Pls contact us for details of below others:
Amorphous & nanocrystalline cores
Soft ferrite cores
HF welding magnetic bar
1、外形和尺寸 Outline and Dimension ![]()
2、电磁特性 Electromagnetic Property
3、使用温度及储存温度 Applying and Storage Temperature 3.1、使用温度 Applying Temperature:-55℃~+125℃。 3.2、储存温度 Storage Temperature:-10℃~+40℃。 4、外观要求 Appearance Requirement 4.1、磁粉心表面应进行绝缘涂覆处理。The surface of powder cores should be insulating coated. 4.2、涂覆后产品表面应光滑,无露底漆、起泡等现象。After coating, the surface of the products should be smooth without exposing the material and foaming. (备注:外观要求中英文对照以中文为准,英文仅供参考 Remarks: this 4.2 clause according to Chinese, English only for reference.) 5、介质耐电压 Dielectric proof voltage 5.1 要求Request:耐电压最小为300V。 proof voltage 300V (Min.) 5.2 测试方法Test Method: 受试的环形磁心由两组单匝线圈绕制,见图2,其接头短路并成180°分布。两处绕组应紧紧环绕磁心的横截面绕制,以确保最大的机械接触。绕组应由裸铜线组成。绕组两端应与测试表输出端连接以提供所必需的测量电压。 Toroid cores for testing are winded by two single-turn coils (see chart 2),its short-circuit combines into a 180 degree joint distribution. Two winding should be tightly winded around cross-section of the toroid core in order to ensure maximum mechanical contact. winding should be composed of the bare copper wire and two terminals of the winding should be connected with output terminal of the test table to provide necessary measuring voltage. 5.3试验电压Testing Voltage:交流电压300V;频率50Hz;加压保持时间30s。 AC 300V; Frequency 50Hz; Loading Voltage time 30s. ![]() 图2
6、验收规则 Inspection Rules
6.1、产品的验收按GB/T2828.1-2003规定进行,其检查水平:The inspection of cores must be conducted by GB/T2828.1-2003 with its examination level as below:
6.2、客户在接收到产品后15天内须验收完毕,并请将验收结果书面通知供货方,否则视为已验收合格。After the cores are received from EECTECH, Inspection should be finished and the result should be feedback to EECTECH on paper within 15 days, or it will be considered as it is already approved by customer.
7、包装 Packing
7.1、箱中有合格证,合格证内容包括:产品名称、数量、生产批号、检验员代号、日期。There are certificates of quality in the box. The quality certificates include: part number, quantity, product batch number, checker number, and date.
7.2、产品采用泡沫包装。产品包装信息:The product was packaged using cystosepiment, with carton outside.